Patch Notes
Patch notes are updates written by the Minecraft server developers that detail changes, fixes, and additions made to the server. They inform players about what has been modified, added, or fixed in the latest version of the server. This could include changes to gameplay mechanics, the introduction of new features, bug fixes, and more.
Patch 2.3.0
- Added: Map / Suggestions / Bug Report System to wiki website
- Added: Quest Points Leaderboard
- Added: Allow sand and gravel duplication.
- Changed: Player Can Compose Mail in Bronze Rank or above
- Changed: Creating player warps now cost 0 -> $50k per location
- Changed: Player Worldedit Tools Moved Out From Beta Testers to Astral Rank and Above (just to use)
- Changed: to obtain worldedit tools, you need to buy it from quest shop (1000 Quest Points)
- Changed: Hopper Filter Moved Out From Beta Testers to quest shop (1000 Quest Points)
- Fixed Anvil cannot merge enchantment books
- Fixed Sweep Edge Enchantment OverEnchant not Working
- Fixed Cherry Sapling cannot dispense from dispenser
- Fixed Player Warp description not allowing spaces
- Fixed Ghast Breaking Blocks in nether
- Fixed /l command not working
- Fixed Hopper Filter not working (potion/item names)
- Fixed: Gravel Duplication Bug
Patch 2.2.0
Added: Armorstand Scale to Armorstand Editor
Added: Hopper Filter to Beta Testers
Added: Worldedit tools to Beta Testers
Added: BlockCycle to Donators
- Added: In-Wall for modifying wall , fence, iron bars blocks
- Added: Open Property for modifying barrels.
Added: Land distance requirement of 1 Chunk to other players' land
Added: Nation Distance Requirement of 3 Chunk to other nations' land
Added: Land Role Flag that allow you to claim near owner border
Added: Land Role Flag that allow user to Set Land Spawn
Added: Land Role Flag that allow user to edit Taxes
Added: Concrete Powder can now be turned into Concrete using any water source
Added: Experimental feature. Mailbox (Beta Testers)
- Send Mail to other players (items messages etc)
- Receive Mail from other players
- Receive Admin Emails (Important Announcements, Awards ETC)
Added: ability to added recipe to cauldron by dropping item in it
Added: Brew Pumpkin Ale Recipe
Added: Brew Draconic Essence Recipe
Added: Brew Shop (to sell your brew) Excellent Condition Only
Added: Dispensers Mine Block Experimental Features
Added: wiki for BlockCycle, Hopper Filter, Worldedit tools and more
- Fixed: Entity Culling too powerful
- Attempt Fix: Brewery Should be usable. (Need Extensive Testing)
- Fixed: Brewery Cauldron Eats everything not just the recipe
- Fixed: BlockCycle Error on Fence
Patch 2.1.0
- Brewing Systems
- Brewing Recipes using cauldron
- Distilling Recipes using distiller (brewing stand)
- Barrel Aging Recipes using barrel
- Sealing Table to hide recipe
- Recipe Book to store recipes
- Custom Crafting Recipes for Seal Table and Recipe Book
- Seal Table: 4 Planks + 2 Ender Crystal
- Recipe Book: 1 Book + 4 Ender Crystal
- Added: Brewing Wiki Page
- Added: New Drinks
- Wheat Beer (50 Quest Points)
- Honey Mead (200 Quest Points)
- Sea Pickle Elixir (200 Quest Points)
- Crimson Fungal Bloom (200 Quest Points)
- Glowberry Schnapps (Not Available Must Experiment to get recipe)
- Flyspeed Command now available for all ranks
Patch 2.0.0
- Bedrock Can Now OverEnchant
- Re-Add Support For 1.21.2, 1.21.3, 1.21.4
- Add Support For Bedrock 1.21.5
- Re-Add: Questboard system
- Added: Quest Points Shop in spawn
- Money Trade
- Chunk Buster Trade
- Catch Egg Trade
- Added: Restart Timer to show when the server will restart
- Re-Add /ec command to open enderchest
- Added: /pet command to summon pet (Free Pig Pet For All)
- Added: 5% tax for putting items in the player market (to prevent ridiculous pricing)
- Added: Pick Icon for Homes is available for all ranks.
- Added: Pipes Mechanic Transfer 1 stack of item at a time at flashing speed. to use
- An item source. such as chests or barrels
- A sticky piston pointed at the source. When the power state of the sticky piston goes from low to high, items are sucked out of the source into the pipe.
- A tube of blocks to act as the pipe. glass different color for different pipe
- A piston pointed at the destination.
- An item destination. such as chests or barrels
- Nation can have up to x lands in total (owner ranks)
- Platinum: 5
- Diamond: 10
- Eternity: 15
- Nation Creation Command Moved from Emerald to Platinum
- Removed: Spawn Egg Shop.
- Removed: Chunk Buster in Shop
- Removed: Catch Egg Recipe
- Player Market Expiration Time
- Default: 3 Days -> 10 Days
- Supporter2: 5 Days -> 12 Days
- Supporter3: 10 Days -> 15 Days
- Supporter4: 15 Days -> 20 Days
- Supporter5: 30 Days -> 30 Days
- Fixed: Storage Unit Recipe Broken
- Fixed: Discord Linking Internal Bug
- Fixed: Overenchanting Bug
- Fixed: Bedrock Color Name Change Bug
Patch 2.0.0 RC-3
- Nation will delete itself if nation owner can't pay the upkeep
- Re-added: /l inspect command
- Added: Catch Egg, Right Click to catch any mob. (except boss)
- Added: Catch Egg Crafting Recipe
- Nation can have up to x lands in total (owner ranks)
- Platinum: 5
- Diamond: 10
- Eternity: 15
- Nation Creation Command Moved from Emerald to Platinum
- Removed: Spawn Egg Shop.
- Fixed: Storage Unit Recipe Broken
- Fixed: Overenchanting Bug
Patch 2.0.0 RC-2
- Discord Linking System can now be used in any server (not just main server)
- Added LightBlock Changer Back
- Added ServerWiki Back
- Added Dispensers that place blocks Back
- Nation Chat, Land Chat + Link with Discord
- /Lands channel create (land) will create a channel for your land. Only Linked Player.
- /Nation channel create (nation) will create a channel for your nation. Only Linked Player.
- Land Cost Rebalanced
- Land Creation Cost: 2M → 1M
- Land Rename Cost: 10k → 5k
- Nation Creation Cost: 5M → 2M
- Nation Rename Cost: 50k → 10k
- Nation Upkeep: 3 per chunk → 5 per chunk
- Nation Capital Level Requirement: 4 -> 3
- Own Land Limits Per Rank
- Iron - Silver: 1
- Gold - Platinum: 2
- Emerald: 3
- Diamond: 4
- Astral: 5
- Cosmic: 7
- Eternity: 10
- Supporter1: 4
- Supporter2: 7
- Supporter3: 10
- Supporter4: 15
- Supporter5: 20
- Unlimited Plan: No Limit
Patch 2.0.0 RC-1
- Server Now Native on 1.21.1
- SupporterIII can now RTP to any biome using /biomertp command
- Added /tpac /tpd for bedrock players (shorten tpaccept and tpdeny)
- New Discord Linking System (Thai Message Supported)
- Added: Player warps with option to add description, category, and ratings
- New player warps can collect money from players who use it too
- Player warps can be set to public or private or whitelisted
- Player warps can ban player/blacklist player from using it
- Player Warps will be available at Gold Rank.
- Rank Limits: 1 for Gold, 1 for Platinum, 1 for Emerald, 2 for Diamond, 4 for Astral, 6 for Cosmic, 8 for Eternity
- Supporter Limits: 2 for Supporter1, 4 for Supporter2, 6 for Supporter3, 10 for Supporter4, 15 for Supporter5, 99 for Unlimited Plan
- All player can use player warps at iron rank and above.
- command /pw create [name], /pw delete [name], /pw
- Sell Rotating Shop Now use Left Click to sell (to better support bedrock players)
- Remove: Support for 1.20.x (Please update to 1.21.1)
- Remove: Support for 1.21.2 and above due to protocol issue. will resolve in the future.
- Revamped Enchantment System. All Custom enchants is now gone. (due to version incompatibility)
- Removed: ServerWiki, LightBlock Changer, and Dispensers that place blocks. (will re add later if see fit)
- Removed: Villager Trade Behind Spawn
- Removed: Land Inspect due to version incompatibility
- Removed: Language Selection system. Only thai is supported form now on.
- Removed Old Discord Linking System
- Removed: You can't sell items in Shulker box in quick sell anymore
- Changed: Penguin Mace is now really a Mace Skin
- Changed: Land Spawn flag has been removed for untrusted players (go use public warps)
- Changed: Parasite Skin tier Rare -> normal, Price Adjusted
- Removed: Public Home (go use public warps)
Known Issues
- Player Shop Database is bugged and need to be wiped. (due to version incompatibility)
- Translation Issue
Patch 1.11.3
- Added: /rtp (build/resource/resource_nether/resource_the_end) command to select world to teleport
- Added: ผีเฝ้าเซิฟ / ETERNAL suffix to diamond rank and eternity rank
- Move Dispose command to Bronze Rank or you can use /bin instead
- Death Message Items now have base color of light blue
- Fixes Hat Bug (rank distributions)
- Fixes sign edit in some instances
- Fixes Colored Sign Bug
Patch 1.11.2
- Move Chunk Buster to Gold Rank
- Disenchanter have 0% fail rate and price increase to 50k
- Halloween Skin
- Public Land NPC
- Fix Commands
- Fix Network Problems
Patch 1.11.1
- Chest Shop Revamped and fixed
- Added: Discord Marketplace
- Added: Sync Server Chat
- Fix Commands
- Fix Network Problems``
Patch 1.11
- Added Experimental Light Block Changer
- Booster System in shop
- Buy boosts for player globally (Sell, Fly)
- Sell boost +50% for 15 min
- Fly boost for 1 hour
- Each Limit 7 purchase per week (globally)
- New! Chunk Buster is in shop now for 500k
- Chunk Buster is an item that breaks every block between top and bottom of the chunk
- Requires Astral Rank and Above to place one.
- Added Nether wood to Auto Tree Chopping
- Land Area features
- Change Reconnection Method
- Dispensers can now place normal blocks
- Lobby get a bit more love
- Add more parkour
- Bigger text and text sync in real time
- Allow Open Shulker in ender chest without putting in the inventory
- Added: /dispose command to emerald rank and above
- Dispose of items in your inventory
- Suffix now called Tags
- Change Suffix Categorization for easier use
- Server Wiki Quota Limit 10 per 6 hours -> 50 per 24 hours
- Server wiki message history 10 -> 5
- Adjust how Rank Hiding works
- Supporters can properly hide their rank and formatted properly
- Voice Chat Updated to last version
- Faster and More Secure Connection
- Shulker Box Item Disappearing bug
- Database Corruption on Storage Unit
- Fixed Suffix Command
Patch 1.10.2
- Added Bug Report System and suggestions
- Modify Villager Hard limit to 20 per 5 block radius
- Added New Anti Xray System to optimize server performance
- Added Chunk Buster Block (to early access)
- Added Trading System (You can now Trade Exp)
- Hotfix chunk bug. Added 10 sec cooldown for /back command
- Attempt Fix: Database Corruption for Storage Unit
Patch 1.10.1
- Added: Land Category
- You can now categorize your land in 4 sections (None, Trade, Shop, PVP Arena)
- This will help players to find what they are looking for (only public lands)
- Added: Ender Chest quickmenu
- You can now access your ender chest from the main menu
- Added: Tab Complete to Basic Command
- lobby
- wiki
- store
- social
- rulescomplete
- landscomplete
- Fix if command and ecs command not showing in tab-complete
Patch 1.10.0
Control your fly speed more precisely (Cosmic Rank) : /flyspeed [1-10]
Nation wiki page
Image Map wiki Page
Custom Crafting Wiki Page
Land Management Flag Added
- Permission for user to edit land role settings
- Permission for user to edit land natural flag settings
- Permission for user to claim and unclaimed land
- Permission for user to ban player from land
New! Storage unit
- a new type of storage that can store up to 1 million items (of a single type)
- can store unstackable items
New! Custom Image Map (Gold Rank and above)
- For Builders who love customizations of their textures
- Custom Image Map Wiki
- limit of 10 for default
- limit of 15 for Supporter
- limit of 25 for Supporter+
- unlimited plan will have 99 max
New! Player Chest Shop (Gold Rank and above)
- For Traders who love to sell their items at home
- Chest Shop Wiki
- limit of 5 for default
- limit of 10 for Supporter
- limit of 20 for Supporter+
- unlimited plan will have 99 max
- Land Delete Calculation: Calculate land delete based on the playtime and offline time
- if you have less than 12 hours of playtime and offline for 30 days, your land will be deleted / owner will be changed
- if you have less than 1 days of playtime and offline for 60 days, your land will be deleted / owner will be changed
- if you have less than 30 days of playtime and offline for 120 days, your land will be deleted / owner will be changed
- your land will be deleted if you offline for 1 year
- Eternity Member Now gain access to Discord supporter channel (gain access to early information/tests)
Increase Land chunk limit for ascension rank to ease the mega-projects
- Lands Chunk Limit Changes (Ascension Rank and above only)
- Astral: 120 → 150
- Cosmic: 170 → 250
- Eternity: 220 → 400
- Health Enchantment Removed from Elytra
- Rules 4.2 Updated: Protected Areas Policy
- Fishing Quest 3 has been patched (change objectives)
Notes Why do We need to make some area protected? such as Old Spawn and End Island?
- Old Spawn is a piece of server history, and we want to preserve it for future players to see.
- End Island is a central location for the server, and we want to keep it accessible for all players to use and appreciate. not filled with machines and farms for personal gain.
- Also End Island portal is connected with old spawn. so farming and machine will harm old spawn indirectly.
- So, what will happen with machines, farms and land in the end island?
- We will remove them gradually and give a warning to the owner. if the owner does not remove them, we will remove them for you.
- We will not remove any builds, only machines and farms.
Patch 1.9.4
- Hotfix HighSpeed Rails: Change High Speed Rails Block From Redstone Block to Gold Block
- Fixes Lands Rename and all name prompt in game
- Player Shop Database Crash + Compensate all player shop items
Patch 1.9.3
- Added back command to be available in spawn
- Added Super powered Rail 4x the speed of normal powered rail by using redstone block beneath powered rail
- Added Super Stopper Rail 8x the stopping power of normal powered rail by using obsidian beneath powered rail
- Added Damage Indicator to show how much damage you deal to the mob/ player
Patch 1.9.2
- Server Map at
- Wiki Moved to the new location ->
- AI Chatbot (Beta)
- Usage /askwiki [question]
- Quota: 10 per 6 hours
- Will be available in the wiki soon
Patch 1.9.1
- Translation for Main Menu
- Translation for Holograms
- Translation for Head Database
- Translation For Social, Store, Wiki
- Translation for Wraps
- Added Support For Skin
- Iron
- Diamond
- Netherite
- Armorstand Editing not working
- Teleportation bug (not being able to teleport)
- Hologram Fixes for chunk loader
- Skin Kitchen Knife Not Displayed correctly for Netherite Sword
- Discord Linking Problem
- Low Hologram Visibility
Patch 1.9.0
- Language Selection on First Join
- Death Message Anti Spam
- Custom Death Message
- IP Account Limit Set to 3
- Item Skin System (Wraps)
- Unlimited Plan
- Bundles In server Shop
- Supporter+, Unlimited Plan
- Supporter+, Unlimited Plan, Chunk Loader
- Chunk Loader Bundle
- Discount For buying directly in discord (10 THB)
- Chunk Loader 5x5
- 7d → 150 THB
- 15d → 250 THB
- 30d → 350 THB
- Rotation Shop Page 2 → 3
Patch 1.8.0
- Anti Spam
- Block Place Flag to Lands
- Block Break Flag to Lands
- Shear Flag to Lands
- Nation Role (Nation Member can do what in your land)
- Weapon Skin “Sword of Friendship”
- Weapon Skin “ETO”
- ตู้ปันสุข Experimental Version
- 1.21 Support For bedrock and java edition
- Command /l inspect (or /lands inspect) to enable land inspection mode
- Be able to check who place/ break /loot container
- For Bronze Member and up
- Default Role 4 → 5
- Supporter Land Roles 5 → 6
- Supporter+ Land Roles 6 → 7
- Max Render Distance: 24 → 32
- Disable Land Taxes Notification
- Enchantment Changes
- Sharpness 15 → 20
- Smite 5 → 6
- Bane of Anthropoids 5 → 6
- Knockback 4 → 5
- Sweeping Edge 3 → 5
- Efficiency 8 → 10
- Unbreaking 6 → 7
- Power 7 → 8
- Punch 4 → 5
- Swift Sneak 3 → 4
- Fortune 3 → 4
- Nation Particle Effect Bug where you can apply
- PVP Arena no longer infinitely heal due to infinite hunger
- Lands Claiming Problem
Patch 1.7.0
- Block Break Exploit (This means Bedrock can be broken)
- End Portal at Old Spawn (Which is protected)
- Craftable Light Block recipe
- Lands Role Limit (Can create more role)
- Normal Player: 4
- Supporter: 5
- Supporter Plus: 6
- Lands Nations (Multiple lands together)
- Nations Receive Buffs for all lands members
- Creation Cost: 5M
- Rename Cost: 50k
- Toggleable options for supporter prefix (Profile Head)
- 1.21 Experimental Block
- Crafter
- Copper Blocks (Bulb, door etc.)
- Tuff Blocks
- 1.20.6 support
- Lands Chunk Limits
- Iron
- Chunk Limit 50 → 20
- Free Chunks: 5 → 10
- Bronze
- Chunk Limit 55 → 25
- Free Chunks: 7 → 12
- Silver
- Chunk Limit 60 → 30
- Free Chunks: 10 → 15
- Gold
- Chunk Limit 70 → 40
- Free Chunks: 15 → 20
- Platinum
- Chunk Limit 85 → 55
- Emerald
- Chunk Limit 100 → 70
- Be Able to create Nation
- Diamond
- Chunk Limit 120 → 90
- Astral
- Chunk Limit 150 → 120
- Cosmic
- Chunk Limit 200 → 170
- Eternity
- Chunk Limit 250 → 220
- Iron
- Lands Levels Requirement
- Village
- require 4 → 3 player
- require 12 → 9 chunk
- 12 chunk claims
- Town
- require 10 → 7 player
- require 25 → 20 chunk
- 25 chunk claims
- Province
- require 15 → 12 player
- require 60 → 45 chunk
- 50 chunk claims
- Land
- require 25 → 20 player
- require 150 → 120 chunk
- 100 chunk claims
- Village
- Lands Creation Cost: 5M → 2M
- Colored Chat
Patch 1.6.1
- Changed: Flaming Edge Max Level 4 → 10
- Added: Conflicts to Reparing and Flaming Edge wiki (thanks to members)
- Added: Disenchanter Wiki
- Fixed: Mine 250 Salmon ← Please Im Blur
- Fixed: Quest Color not displayed Correctly
- Fixed: Farming Quest Not Displayed Correctly
- Added: Sethome Cost (after 1 home) → 50,000
- Added: Public Home Cost → 50000
- Changed: Max Public Home → 3
- Changed: Lower Lottery Prize Pool
- Added: /Lands Invites Command to check if you got invite to land
- Fixed: Vein mining Emerald Ore
Patch 1.6.0
- Fixed Premium
- Fixed Skin Problem
- Added: Health Enchantment to Elytra
- Fixed: Random Teleport Portals Appeared in other world
- Fixed: Colored Chat Not Working for Supporter
- Changed: Spawn World
- Changed: Hall of Stats
- Changed: Player Market
- Added: resource_the_end will be possible to harvest dragon egg
- Changed: Quest UI
- Changed: Whole Quest System, Quest will now unlock NPC Trades
- Added: Chat Bubble
- Added: NPC Trades. (Even it looks clingy)
- Added: Farmer NPC Trade
- Added: Fisherman NPC Trade
- Added: Hunter NPC Trade
- Added: Miner NPC Trade
- Added: Casino Gamble / Lottery
- Added: Privacy Policy
Patch 1.5.1
- Added: Bossbar Status
- Removed: Default Data Scoreboard
- Changed: Quest Scoreboard is now default
- Removed: Bleed (Bug)
- Added: Flaming Edge (New Enchantment)
- Fixed: RP not loading for non optifine players
- Temporary Fix (/premium players)
- New Menu In Place (Please give feedback)
Patch 1.5.0
- Added: Delay time when teleport in spawn
- Added: Bin was added to spawn
- Added: Playtime will stop if you afk
- Added: Disenchanter at spawn
- Added: /recycle to Supporter+
- Added: Disenchant Feature
- Added: Back to Quest Menu
- Changed: Back Button in all Menu
- Added: Tips on boss bar every 10 min
- Changed: Join and leave message can use color name now
- Added: Page 2 to Suffix
- Added: Resource Pack Acceptation / Rejection
- Changed: Sharpness 10 → 15
- Changed: Power 6 → 7
- Changed: Knockback 3 → 4
- Changed: Punch 3 → 4
- Changed: Quick Charge 4 → 5 (Rapid Fire)
- Changed: Efficiency 7 → 8
- Changed: Unbreaking 5 → 6
- Added: Flyboost
- Changed: Xp Boost
- Changed: Sell Boost
- Added: Booster have a quantity limit of 1 per week
- Fixed: Quest Item Now will drop if your inventory is full
- Changed: Rank Time (Hours)
- Bronze → 6
- Silver → 20
- Gold → 43
- Platinum → 78
- Emerald → 131
- Diamond → 214
- Astral → 354
- Cosmic → 603
- Eternity → 1080
- Changed: Playtime will not count while afk
- Removed: Trample Farmland Flag from Land
- Added: Interact Container Flag to Land
- Added: Interact General Flag to Land
- Added: Fishing Quest Line
- Added: Enchantment Health
- Added: Enchantment Repairing
- Added: Command /store
- Added: Command /wiki
Patch 1.4.1
- Added: When Completing Enchantment book Quest it will give out an item if the inventory is full.
- Fixed: Tutorial Quest Newbie Sword NBT Tag Gone (New Sword Only)
- Added: ElytraBoost Wiki
- Changed: Tutorial Quest does not need to be done in sequence anymore
- Added: Flight Charge Wiki
- Added: ElytraBoost Wiki
- Added: Lands Levels Wiki
- Added: Mirror Wiki
Patch 1.4.0
- Removed: Lobby In GUI
- Added: /lobby Command
- Added: Spawn Warp Menu
- Added: RTP Menu
- Added: Spawn Warp Npc
- Removed: Combat Tag
- Added: Bossbar indicator
- Added: Sleep Time Pass
- Added: AFK Status (after 15 min)
- Added: Sit on Stairs to bronze rank
- Added: Sit command to Silver
- Added: /nick to Supporter+ (color your name only)
- Changed: Supporter Can now use all hex color codes
- Added: /craft command to Gold Member
- Added: /anvil command to Platinum Member
- Added: ElytraBoost to Platinum Rank
- Added: /ender command to Diamond Member
- Added: Armor Stand Editor to Diamond Rank
- Added: /mirror command to Astral Rank
- Added: Flight Charge to Cosmic Rank
- Added: /hat to Supporter Rank
- Added: /pweather /ptime to Supporter+ Rank
Patch 1.3.2
- Added: Cosmic Rank Quest (16 Days)
- Chunks 200
- chunk support 10
- members 25
- Changed: Attribute from each rank
- Iron:
- Lands: 5 → 3
- Bronze
- Lands: 5 → 4
- Silver
- Lands: 5 → 5
- Gold
- Lands: 5 → 6
- Platinum
- Lands: 5 → 7
- Emerald
- Lands: 5 → 8
- Diamond
- Lands: 5 → 9
- Astral
- Lands: 5 → 10
- Cosmic
- Lands: 5 → 12
- Supporter
- Lands: 5 → 9
- Members: 10 → 18
- SupporterPlus
- Lands: 10 → 20
- Members: 30 → 50
- Iron:
Patch 1.3.1
- Added: Lands Invitation
- The player must accept/deny before joining land (to prevent tax abuse)
- Changed: Every time you die you will respawn at server spawn.
- Added: permanent Rank
- Supporter+ Lifetime: 1299 THB
- Supporter Lifetime: 799 THB
- Lifetime Ranks Lands will never get deleted from the system. (30 Days offline)
- Changed: temporary rank
- Supporter+ (30 Days): 299 → 249
- Due to pricing changes and the addition of permanent rank. Players who have bought ranks before this announcement will get a discount to permanent rank. this offer will end on the 1st of May. also, discount coupons can be used too.
Patch 1.3.0
- Moved to new and more connection stable host
- Lower Average Ping From 20 → 5
- The New Lamalia Spawn Made by iAlaan and _kiheart
- Added: PVP Arena
- Added: Stats Hall
- Changed: Shop Area
- Changed: Info Area
- Changed: HeadShop
- Changed: Warp Portals
- Added Lands tax and upkeep (per day)
- max tax = $50 per person (default = 0)
- upkeep = $3 per chunk per day
- player will not get untrust if not pay tax
- player land will not get unclaim if not pay upkeep
- Added Land Levels (Basic)
- Home (no req)
- Village
- require 4 player
- require 12 chunk
- 10 chunk claims
- Town
- require 10 player
- require 25 chunk
- 20 chunk claims
- Province
- require 15 player
- require 60 chunk
- 40 chunk claims
- Land
- require 25 player
- require 150 chunk
- 80 chunk claims
Patch 1.2.4
- Added: Server Mob Optimizations
- Added: April Fools Week Spawn
- Changed: Lands Members Max Scaling
- Gold: 10 → 12
- Platinum: 10 → 14
- Emerald: 10 → 16
- Diamond: 10 → 18
- Astral: 10 → 20
- Supporter+: 20 → 30
- Changed: Lands Chunk Support Scaling
- Iron: 5 → 1
- Bronze: 5 → 2
- Silver: 5 → 3
- Gold: 5 → 4
- Platinum: Unchanged
- Emerald: 5 → 6
- Diamond: 5 → 7
- Astral: 5 → 8
- Supporter: 5 → 10
- Supporter+: 10 → 15
Patch 1.2.3
- Removed: Farming Quest
- Carrot King Quest
- Potato King Quest
- Added: Profession Quest
- Farmer
- Miner
- Hunter
- Archer
- To gain a profession, you must complete four tiers of profession quests.
- After gaining a profession, you will have a repeating quest to acquire all new enchanted books.
- Added: New Enchantments (repeating quest)
- Feather Step: Prevents crop trampling
- Replenish: Automates crop replanting
- Snipe: Increases damage with distance
- Triple Shot: Shoots three arrows instead of one
- VeinMiner: Mines vein ores
- Excavation: Digs more blocks
- Bleed: Causes your opponents to bleed
- Lifesteal: Heals a percentage of damage
- Currently fixing: Invisible Item Frame
- Added: Farmer Suffix
- Added: Miner Suffix
- Added: Archer Suffix
- Added: Hunter Suffix
- Changed: Carrot King and Potato King are now Legacy Suffixes
- Removed: Llama suffix
- Removed: Pathfinder suffix
Patch 1.2.2
- Fixed: Scoreboard Can now be toggled
- Added: Support for bedrock player. (Limited Functions)
Patch 1.2.1
- Added: Bundle Crafting Recipe
- Added: Invisible Normal/Glow Item Frame Recipe
- Added: Rotational Sell Shop Limit to 20x the amount of normal shop (reset in 1 day)
- Added: /hdb to Diamond rank and above (including search)
- Added: /l ban, /l unban You can now ban player from your land
- Added: Player Health Display
- Added: Color Chat to Supporter
- Added: Hex Color Chat to Supporter+
Patch 1.2.0
- Changed: Max Anvil Repair cost 25 → 30
- Added: Enchantment Tweaks Feature to Wiki
- Added: Enchantment Tweaks!
- Mending and Infinity no longer Conflicts
- Quick Charge 3 → 4
- Lure 3 → 4
- Punch 2 → 3
- Power 5 → 6
- Unbreaking 3 → 5
- Efficiency 5 → 7
- Fire Aspect 2 → 3
- Knockback 2 → 3
- Sharpness 5 → 10
- Added: Shop New Items
- Blocks
- Quartz Block
- Obsidian
- Moss Block
- Warped Wart Block
- Nether Wart Block
- Mangrove Roots
- Decorations
- Warped Roots
- Crimson Roots
- Mobs
- Ink Sac
- Miscellaneous
- Wither Skeleton Skull
- Ores
- Amethyst Shard
- Farming
- Egg
- Scute
- Pitcher Plant
- Torchflower
- Kelp
- Blocks
Patch 1.1.6
- Added: Supporter+ Can now use /hdb from anywhere to buy heads
- Added: Astral Member Rank
- Added: Diamond Member Rank can access all heads in head shop
- Added: New Language Option in Menu
- Changed: Thai is now default language
- Changed: Shop Stock reset Interval Everyday Real time
Patch 1.1.5
- Changed: Lands Price Readjusted
- New Lands Price 1m → 5m
- Claim Price 10k → 1k
- Claim Scaling Price 100 → 10
- Claim Max Price 50k → 5k
- Added: Changable Lands Flag
- Interact Door
- Interact Trapdoor
- Interact Mechanism
- Trample Farmland
- Fixed: Disable Auto Land Creating when Claim outside adjacent lands
Patch 1.1.4
- Added: Server Wiki & Website (Testing)
- Changed: Lands free chunks
- Iron 4 → 5
- Bronze 4 → 7
- Silver 4 → 11
- Gold 4 → 15
- Changed: Rotational Shop Changed From 6 → 1 hour
This encourage random farming than farm for specific thing
Patch 1.1.3b
- Changed: You can now buy sethome!
- You will have 1 free home
- Max Homes you can buy
- Member: 3
- Supporter: 5
- Supporter+: 10
- Added: New Home Cost $50000 per Home Location
Patch 1.1.3
- Added: Lobby Server
- Added: Server Auto Reconnect! No need to logoff during restart anymore!
- Added: Rotating Shop
- Rotating Shop Has no sell limit and will change every 6 hour
- Contains Every Items in the shop
- all items in rotating shop will have some discounts or sell-boosts so keep an eye on it
- Changed: Shop Revamped
- No More Dynamic Pricing
- You can sell to server with limits per day
- Some items are buy only / sell only
- Changed: Lands Pricing
- Create new Lands 100k -> 1m
- Claim new chunks 1k -> 10k
- Claim Scaling +100 Per claim max at 50k
- Changed: Player Shop Encouragement
- Default: Listed time 1d -> 3d, Amount 3 -> 5
- Supporter: Listed time 2d -> 5d, Amount 5 -> 10
- Supporterplus: Listed time 3d -> 7d, Amount 10 -> 15
- Changed: Player Shop Taxes
- Player Shop is now tax free
Patch 1.1.2
- Added: Resource Worlds
Resource world is 5k x 5k world designed to reset every one or two week so do not build there
- Resource World
- Resource Nether -> Must have at least Bronze
- Resource The End -> Must have at least Silver
- Added: World On Scoreboard
- Added: You can now change langauge using /lang (Very Early test)
- Changed: Spawners Can be mined with Netherite Pickaxe with Silktouch only
- Changed: Random Teleportation range 10000 -> 5000
Patch 1.1.1
- Added: Platinum Rank
- Added: Platinum Playtime Quest
- Added: Lands Menu Help Menu
- Added: Perks Sit Stairs to Gold and Above
Patch 1.1.0
- Added: Playtime Ranks Quest
- Iron - (default member)
- Bronze - Perks +5 chunks limit
- Silver - Perks +5 chunks limit
- Gold - Perks +10 chunks limit
- Added: Supporter Only Suffix
- llama
- Heart icon
- Merchant
- Pathfinder
- Guide
- Added: Farming Quests (8 Quest In total)
- Added: Quest Specific Suffix
- CarrotKing (Get by completing tier 4 quest)
- PotatoKing (Get by completing tier 4 quest)
- Added: Quest Menu
- Changed: Supporter can have 1 -> 3 homes
- Changed: Supporter+ can have 3 -> 5 homes
- Changed: Lands price will now increase per land (10 per land) and will max at 2000 per land
Patch 1.0.6-Experimental
- Added Player Shop can be accessed via 2nd floor of spawn
- use /ah sell (price) to sell item in your hand
- Added: Player Market - Full Release
- Added: Supporter Items Limit in Player Market = 5
- Added: Supporter+ Items Limit in Player Market = 10
- Added: Spawner Break with Silk Touch (Diamond Pickaxe & Netherite Pickaxe Only)
- Added Experimental: Lands Quick Access In Menu.
Patch 1.0.5
- Added: Server Boosts Damage, Xp, Sell
- Added: Suffix Selector
- Added: Profile, Toggle Scoreboard
- Changed: Change Autotreechop to be in Profile
- Fixed: Swap Hands is Now Working
Patch 1.0.4
- Added: Supporter Rank 149THB
- Added: SupporterPlus has access to shop and sellgui anywhere
- Changed: Navigation NPC now is Welcome NPC
- Changed: Supporter is Now SupporterPlus
- Fixed: Skin can now be updated using /skin update
Patch 1.0.6
- Added: Tutorial Quest
- Added: Rules NPC
- Added: Social NPC
- Added: Tutorial NPC
- Added: Teleport Chamber
- Added: Money Top Hologram
- Added: Welcome Hologram
- Changed: Spawn Area/Spawn point
- Fixed: Scoreboard Settings
- Fixed: Better Description for Boosters in Shop
Patch 1.0.3
- Changed: Menu Has been revamped
- Changed: Moved Rules to Tutorial Page for easy understandings
- Changed: Change server daily restart time to 6:00AM
- Added: Tutorials Page
- Added: Social Media Links in game
- Added: Lands tutorial
- Added: Server Restart Warning System.
- Added: Issues Channel In Discord Server
- Fixed: private message bugs
Patch 1.0.1-1.0.2
QOL Changes
- Added Shift + F to access to menu
- You can now access the server from version 1.20.x (bug fixed)