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Grief Checker Tools

Rank Require: Bronze
Enable / Disable inspect mode Command : /l inspect

Left Clickโ€‹

By left-clicking, you can view changes made to blocks, including their history of being broken or placed, who performed these actions, and when they occurred.

Right Clickโ€‹

Right Click on Blockโ€‹

By right-clicking on an existing block, you can view all interactions with it, such as opening doors, chests, and more.

Right Click on a containerโ€‹

By right-clicking on a container, you can view all items that were added or removed, who performed these actions, and when they occurred.

Place Blockโ€‹

At last, you can also place blocks and get changes made to the placed-block's location, similar to left-clicking on it.


This is just a preliminary check.

Please get in touch with the administrator or moderator if you find any issues.
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DateLamalia ReleaseDescription
17/05/20241.8.0- Added: Command /l inspect (or /lands inspect) to enable land inspection mode.
29/11/20242.0.0 RC-1- Removed: Land Inspect due to version incompatibility.
30/11/20242.0.0 RC-3- Re-added: /l inspect command.
12/01/2025- Update Wiki : Rank Require Bronze