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Nations are a powerful feature that allows multiple lands to unite under a single banner, providing benefits and enhanced cooperation for all members.


Nations are alliances of multiple lands that work together, sharing benefits and resources. They offer a way for players to create larger communities and collaborate on a grander scale.

Creation and Management

  • Creation Cost: $2,000,000
  • Rename Cost: $10,000
  • Requirements: Must be Platinum rank or higher to create a nation

Nation Levels

Nations can progress through different levels, each offering unique benefits and requiring certain achievements.

Level 1: Federation

  • Effects:
    • Can have 1 effect active at once
    • Available effects: Jump II, Speed II, Fast Digging II, Regeneration, Resistance II, Strength II

Level 2: Nation


  • 3 Lands (excluding capital)
  • 30 unique players
  • 400 total claimed chunks


  • +50 claims per land in the nation
  • 20% upkeep cost
  • Can have 3 effects active at once
  • Additional effects: Absorption, Water Breathing, Dolphin's Grace, Night Vision

Level 3: Empire


  • 6 Lands (excluding capital)
  • 60 unique players
  • 800 total claimed chunks


  • +100 claims per land in the nation
  • 50% upkeep cost
  • Can have 5 effects active at once
  • Enhanced effects: Jump III, Speed III, Fast Digging III, Regeneration II
  • Additional effects: Fire Resistance, Hero of the Village

Nation Roles

Nations have their own role system:

  • Nation Member: This role determines what actions members can perform in other lands within the nation.


  • /nation create - Create a new nation
  • /nation delete - Delete your nation
  • /nation trust - Invite lands to join your nation
  • /nation untrust - Remove lands from your nation
  • /nation accept - Accept a nation invitation
  • /nation deny - Deny a nation invitation
  • /nation leave - Leave your current nation
  • /nation rename - Rename your nation
  • /nation spawn - Teleport to your nation's capital
  • /nation setcapital - Set a new capital for your nation

Tips for Nation Management

  1. Grow Your Community: Focus on inviting more lands and players to reach higher nation levels.
  2. Expand Your Territory: Encourage member lands to claim more chunks to unlock nation upgrades.
  3. Coordinate Effects: As you level up, discuss which nation-wide effects will benefit all members most.
  4. Manage Upkeep: Be aware that higher levels increase the nation's upkeep cost.

For more information on land management within nations, please refer to the Land Claiming and Land Settings wiki pages.