Land Management Guide
General Info
- Lands Creation Cost: $1,000,000 (First land is free)
- Lands Rename Cost: $5,000
- Chunk Claims Cost: $1000 per chunk (max 5000)
- Each Claim will add $10 to the cost
- Lands Limit: (Please See Rank)
- Pressing Shift + F3 will show the chunk border in the game.
- Roles: Owner, Admin, Member, Untrusted (Owner can change permissions)
- Natural Flags: Unlocked by playtime rank.
Getting Started
- Get into Survival World
- Find a good place in wilderness
- Use /l create [name_of_your_land] and you will have your claimed lands
- Use /l trust [player_name] to add your friends to your land
- Use /l claim on the next chunk to get new areas
- Use /l menu to manage your lands
Land Commands
- /l help Show land commands.
- /l create [name_of_your_land] Create your new land on the chunk that you stand on. (First land is free) Example: /l create BeastMaster69Land
- /l view Show the border of every lands. (The effect will last 60 seconds)
- /l edit [name_of_your_land] Select the land to edit on. (In case that you are the admin of the other lands) Example: /l edit BeastMaster69Land
- You are suggested to use /l edit first before before using the following commands.
- /l claim Expand your land by claiming other chunks next to your land. (Use claim while standing next to your own chunks)
- /l ban [player_name] Ban a player from your land. That player can't enter your land.
- /l unban [player_name] Unban Player From your land.
- /l unclaim Unclaim a single chunk that you currently editing.
- /l unclaim all Unclaim all chunks. (This does not delete your land)
- /l delete [confirm] Delete your lands.
- use the /l unclaim all command before using /l delete [confirm].
- You will have to click delete your land in chat to confirm.
- /l menu Open land general menu.
- /l rename [name_of_your_land] Rename your land. (Cost 10,000$)
- /l spawn [name_of_your_land] Teleport to land spawn point. (If it's your own land, you don't need to include [name_of_your_land].)
- /l setspawn Set land spawn point on the spot that you stand on. ( The area has been claimed.)
- /l trust [player_name] Add a member to your land that you currently editing.
- /l untrust [player_name] You are suggested to use /l edit first before you use this command.