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Dispenser Ability

A dispenser use certain items or tools or place certain blocks, fluids and solid or entities when given a redstone signal. In this feature, the following capabilities are all about dispenser capabilities and how to use them in the server.

Dispenser Place Block

The block faces in the same direction as the Dispenser. Its operation requires a redstone signal that is not too fast. If the signal speed is too high, the Dispenser will shoot the item instead of placing the block. and case If a block already occupies the target position, the Dispenser will shoot the item instead of placing it.

Dispenser Break Block

Blocks can be broken, and items are dropped. Items to be broken must be attached to the dispenser. Inside, there must be a tool capable of breaking the blocks. The operation requires a redstone signal. Once activated, the dispenser cannot be stopped until the block is destroyed.


Lamalia ReleaseDescription
14/01/20252.3.0- Fixed Cherry Sapling cannot dispense from dispenser.
12/01/20252.2.0- Added: Dispensers Mine Block Experimental Features.
29/11/20242.0.0 RC-1- Removed: Dispensers that place blocks.
29/11/20242.0.0 RC-2- Added: Dispensers that place blocks Back.
11/10/20241.11- Added: Dispensers can now place normal blocks.