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World Edit Tool ๐Ÿช“

WE Tools

Requires Astral Rank and Above
This is a destructive feature. Use with caution!

Set Position Regionโ€‹

Region Postion 1โ€‹

Left Click Set Position 1 (Pos1)

Region Position 2โ€‹

Right Click Set Position 2 (Pos2)


All material must be from you inventory


/set <material> to set selected area to that material

Description : Sets all the blocks in the region

<material>The material of blocks to set


/replace <target> <material> replace something with the material you wanted

Description : Replace all blocks in the selection with another

<material>The material of blocks to set
<target>The mask representing blocks to replace
Tools have different speeds and uses.
  • You don't have enough uses left! Need: <recharge> - Uses: This refers to the total number of blocks that will be set and replaced. If this number is insufficient, a message will appear indicating the required number of recharges.
  • Operation complete! Used <material> blocks - Used: This represents the total quantity of materials consumed during the operation.
  • Recharging: Tool uses can be recharge by:
    • Shift + Left Click: This is a quick method to recharge the tool.
    • /upgrade: This is another option for recharging and upgrading the tool.

Tool speed upgrades are currently unavailable.

World Edit Upgradesโ€‹

Uses Upgradeโ€‹

Uses_Upgrade Uses Upgrade: This recharge is used to place blocks. It costs 1 recharge per block placed. The costs are shown as follows.

Left Click+15$
Shift + Left Click+1050$
Right Click+100500$
Shift + Right Click+10005000$


Lamalia ReleaseDescription
14/01/20252.3.0- Changed: Player Worldedit Tools Moved Out From Beta Testers to Astral Rank and Above (just to use)
14/01/20252.3.0- Changed: to obtain worldedit tools, you need to buy it from quest shop (1000 Quest Points)
12/01/20252.2.0- Added: Worldedit tools to Beta Testers.