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Elytra Enhancements

This guide covers the various enhancements available for Elytra flight.

Elytra Speedometer


Once you have obtained this ability, you'll be able to see a speedometer that can register a maximum speed of up to 250 km/h.

Elytra Launch


Launching costs nothing and assists in getting airborne.

Elytra Launch

How to Launch:

  1. Simultaneously hold Feather, right-click, and sneak.
  2. Wait until it reaches 100%.
  3. Release the sneak button.

Elytra Boost


Boosting costs Experience Points (EXP).

Elytra Boost

How to Boost:

  • Hold the feather and right-click simultaneously. (Hold or Press Repeatedly)

Elytra Superboost

Fire Trails

Superboost will consume 10x more experience points (EXP) but will significantly increase speed.

Elytra Super Boost

How to Superboost:

  • Press 'Sneak' while boosting.

Remember to manage your EXP carefully when using Boost and Superboost features. The increased speed comes at a cost!

Comparison of Elytra Abilities

AbilityCostSpeed IncreaseActivation
LaunchNoneHelps get airborneFeather + Right-click + Sneak
BoostEXPModerateFeather + Right-click
Superboost10x EXPSignificant'Sneak' while boosting
Pro Tip

Practice these techniques in a safe area before using them in challenging terrain or during important flights.