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Enchantments Guide

How to get overloaded enchantments

To get overloaded enchantments, simply combine 2 enchantments of the same level to get the next level.
[ 4+4 = 5, 5+5 = 6, ... ]
The cost will not get too expensive ever!

Armor Enchantments

EnchantmentMax LevelDescriptionPlaceholder
Protection4Reduces incoming damage by %placeholder%%level% * 4
Fire Protection4Reduces incoming fire damage by %damage% and burn time by %time%damage: %level% * 8
time: %level% * 15
Feather Falling4Reduces fall damage by %placeholder%%level% * 12
Blast Protection4Reduces incoming explosion damage by %damage% and incoming blast knockback by %knockback%damage: %level% * 8
knockback: %level% * 15
Projectile Protection4Reduces incoming projectile damage by %placeholder%%level% * 8
Respiration3Extends underwater breathing time by %seconds% seconds and gives a %chance% chance to ignore drowning damageseconds: 15 * %level%
chance: %level% / (%level% + 1)
Aqua Affinity1Removes underwater mining speed penalty-
Thorns3Gives a %placeholder% chance to reflect some incoming damage to the attacker%level% * 15
Depth Strider3Reduces underwater movement slowdown by %placeholder%%level% * 33.333333
Frost Walker2Turns water within a %placeholder% block radius of the player into ice%level% + 2
Soul Speed3Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil by %placeholder%(%level% * 0.105) + 1.3
Swift Sneak 4 Reduces sneaking movement slowdown by %placeholder%min(%level% * 15, 100)

Weapon Enchantments

EnchantmentMax LevelDescriptionPlaceholder
Sharpness 20 Deals %placeholder% bonus melee damage0.5 * %level% + 1
Smite 6 Gives a %placeholder% bonus to melee damage against undead mobs2.5 * %level%
Bane of Arthropods 6 Gives a %damage% bonus to melee damage against arthropods and gives up to %seconds% seconds of Slowness IVdamage: 2.5 * %level%
seconds: 0.5 * %level%
Knockback 5 Gives a %placeholder% bonus to attack knockback%level% * 85 + 20
Fire Aspect 4 Sets opponents on fire, dealing damage each fire tick-
Looting3Increases maximum common drops by %common%, and the chance to get rare drops by %rare%common: %level%
rare: %level%
Sweeping Edge5Increases sweeping attack damage by %placeholder%%level% / (%level% + 1)

Tool Enchantments

EnchantmentMax LevelDescriptionPlaceholder
Efficiency 10 Increases mining speed by %placeholder%20 + 5 * %level%
Silk Touch1Mined blocks drop themselves exactly-
Unbreaking 7 Increases item durability %placeholder%%level% + 1
Fortune 4 Gives a %placeholder% boost to certain block dropsceil(((1 / (%level% + 2)) + ((%level% + 1) / 2)) * 100 - 100)

Bow Enchantments

EnchantmentMax LevelDescriptionPlaceholder
Power 8 Gives a %placeholder% bonus to arrow damage25 * (%level% + 1)
Punch 5 Increases arrow knockback by %placeholder% blocks3 * %level%
Flame1Arrows set target on fire, dealing 5 fire damage-
Infinity 1Stops regular arrows from being consumed when shot
New! Do not conflict with mending

Fishing Rod Enchantments

EnchantmentMax LevelDescriptionPlaceholder
Luck of the Sea3Increases chance of getting treasure loot by %placeholder%2 * %level%
Lure 4 Decreases fishing wait time by %placeholder% seconds%level% * 5

Trident Enchantments

EnchantmentMax LevelDescriptionPlaceholder
Loyalty3Trident returns after being thrown-
Impaling5Deals %placeholder% additional damage to ocean mobs%level% * 2.5
Riptide3Trident launches player when thrown in water or while raining-
Channeling1Strikes lightning where trident lands during thunderstorms-

Crossbow Enchantments

EnchantmentMax LevelDescriptionPlaceholder
Multishot1Shoots 3 arrows instead of 1-
Quick Charge 5 Decreases crossbow charging time by %placeholder% seconds%level% * 0.25
Piercing4Arrows pass through %placeholder% entities%level% + 1

Special Enchantments

EnchantmentMax LevelDescriptionNotes
Mending 1Repair the item while gaining XP orbs Does not conflict with Infinity
Curse of Binding1Items cannot be removed from armor slotsCurse
Curse of Vanishing1Item destroyed on deathCurse


Lamalia ReleaseDescription
14/01/20252.3.0Fixed: Anvil cannot merge enchantment books, Fixed:Sweep Edge Enchantment OverEnchant not Working
30/11/20242.0.0 RC-3Fixed: Overenchanting Bug
30/11/20242.0.0Fixed: Overenchanting Bug , Bedrock Can Now OverEnchant
29/11/20242.0.0 RC-1Revamped Enchantment System. All Custom enchants is now gone. (due to version incompatibility)
21/08/20241.10.0Change: Health Enchantment Removed from Elytra
17/06/20241.8.0Change: Max Enchantment Changes
18/05/20241.6.0Added: Health Enchantment to Elytra
04/05/20241.5.1Added: Flaming Edge (New Enchantment)
27/04/20241.5.0Added: Enchantment Health, Repairing
21/03/20241.2.3Added: New Enchantments (repeating quest)
14/03/20241.2.0Added: Over Enchant