Enchantments Guide
How to get overloaded enchantments
To get overloaded enchantments, simply combine 2 enchantments of the same level to get the next level.
The cost will not get too expensive ever!
- Vanilla Enchantments
Armor Enchantments
Enchantment | Max Level | Description | Placeholder |
Protection | 4 | Reduces incoming damage by %placeholder% | %level% * 4 |
Fire Protection | 4 | Reduces incoming fire damage by %damage% and burn time by %time% | damage: %level% * 8 time: %level% * 15 |
Feather Falling | 4 | Reduces fall damage by %placeholder% | %level% * 12 |
Blast Protection | 4 | Reduces incoming explosion damage by %damage% and incoming blast knockback by %knockback% | damage: %level% * 8 knockback: %level% * 15 |
Projectile Protection | 4 | Reduces incoming projectile damage by %placeholder% | %level% * 8 |
Respiration | 3 | Extends underwater breathing time by %seconds% seconds and gives a %chance% chance to ignore drowning damage | seconds: 15 * %level% chance: %level% / (%level% + 1) |
Aqua Affinity | 1 | Removes underwater mining speed penalty | - |
Thorns | 3 | Gives a %placeholder% chance to reflect some incoming damage to the attacker | %level% * 15 |
Depth Strider | 3 | Reduces underwater movement slowdown by %placeholder% | %level% * 33.333333 |
Frost Walker | 2 | Turns water within a %placeholder% block radius of the player into ice | %level% + 2 |
Soul Speed | 3 | Increases walking speed on soul sand and soul soil by %placeholder% | (%level% * 0.105) + 1.3 |
Reduces sneaking movement slowdown by %placeholder% | min(%level% * 15, 100) |
Weapon Enchantments
Enchantment | Max Level | Description | Placeholder |
Deals %placeholder% bonus melee damage | 0.5 * %level% + 1 | ||
Gives a %placeholder% bonus to melee damage against undead mobs | 2.5 * %level% | ||
Gives a %damage% bonus to melee damage against arthropods and gives up to %seconds% seconds of Slowness IV | damage: 2.5 * %level% seconds: 0.5 * %level% | ||
Gives a %placeholder% bonus to attack knockback | %level% * 85 + 20 | ||
Sets opponents on fire, dealing damage each fire tick | - | ||
Looting | 3 | Increases maximum common drops by %common%, and the chance to get rare drops by %rare% | common: %level% rare: %level% |
Increases sweeping attack damage by %placeholder% | %level% / (%level% + 1) |
Tool Enchantments
Enchantment | Max Level | Description | Placeholder |
Increases mining speed by %placeholder% | 20 + 5 * %level% | ||
Silk Touch | 1 | Mined blocks drop themselves exactly | - |
Increases item durability %placeholder% | %level% + 1 | ||
Gives a %placeholder% boost to certain block drops | ceil(((1 / (%level% + 2)) + ((%level% + 1) / 2)) * 100 - 100) |
Bow Enchantments
Enchantment | Max Level | Description | Placeholder |
Gives a %placeholder% bonus to arrow damage | 25 * (%level% + 1) | ||
Increases arrow knockback by %placeholder% blocks | 3 * %level% | ||
Flame | 1 | Arrows set target on fire, dealing 5 fire damage | - |
1 | Stops regular arrows from being consumed when shot | - |
Fishing Rod Enchantments
Enchantment | Max Level | Description | Placeholder |
Luck of the Sea | 3 | Increases chance of getting treasure loot by %placeholder% | 2 * %level% |
Decreases fishing wait time by %placeholder% seconds | %level% * 5 |
Trident Enchantments
Enchantment | Max Level | Description | Placeholder |
Loyalty | 3 | Trident returns after being thrown | - |
Impaling | 5 | Deals %placeholder% additional damage to ocean mobs | %level% * 2.5 |
Riptide | 3 | Trident launches player when thrown in water or while raining | - |
Channeling | 1 | Strikes lightning where trident lands during thunderstorms | - |
Crossbow Enchantments
Enchantment | Max Level | Description | Placeholder |
Multishot | 1 | Shoots 3 arrows instead of 1 | - |
Decreases crossbow charging time by %placeholder% seconds | %level% * 0.25 | ||
Piercing | 4 | Arrows pass through %placeholder% entities | %level% + 1 |
Special Enchantments
Enchantment | Max Level | Description | Notes |
1 | Repair the item while gaining XP orbs | ||
Curse of Binding | 1 | Items cannot be removed from armor slots | Curse |
Curse of Vanishing | 1 | Item destroyed on death | Curse |
Date | Lamalia Release | Description |
14/01/2025 | 2.3.0 | Fixed: Anvil cannot merge enchantment books, Fixed:Sweep Edge Enchantment OverEnchant not Working |
30/11/2024 | 2.0.0 RC-3 | Fixed: Overenchanting Bug |
30/11/2024 | 2.0.0 | Fixed: Overenchanting Bug , Bedrock Can Now OverEnchant |
29/11/2024 | 2.0.0 RC-1 | Revamped Enchantment System. All Custom enchants is now gone. (due to version incompatibility) |
21/08/2024 | 1.10.0 | Change: Health Enchantment Removed from Elytra |
17/06/2024 | 1.8.0 | Change: Max Enchantment Changes |
18/05/2024 | 1.6.0 | Added: Health Enchantment to Elytra |
04/05/2024 | 1.5.1 | Added: Flaming Edge (New Enchantment) |
27/04/2024 | 1.5.0 | Added: Enchantment Health, Repairing |
21/03/2024 | 1.2.3 | Added: New Enchantments (repeating quest) |
14/03/2024 | 1.2.0 | Added: Over Enchant |